Rising Stars

Manchester Cathedral Poetry Prize 2017

Featuring Mark Oakley & Jane Commane

  • 10
  • Oct




Picture of Cannon Mark Oakley smiling off-camera, with her arm resting on the frame of a sash window

The poet and critic Christian Wiman once claimed: ‘There are things more important than self-knowledge. Yes. An artist who believes this is an artist of faith, even if the faith contains no god.' The Manchester Cathedral Poetry Competition makes space for poets who – whether they believe in God or not – attempt poetry that draws on the riches of faith. Now in its eighteenth year, the competition continues to showcase new, emerging and established poets who – as Seamus Heaney put it – ‘dare the depths’.

This year’s celebratory prize-giving includes readings from the prize-winners, as well as the judge Jane Commane. The event also features a short talk about the rich connections between poetry, faith and spirituality by distinguished writer and critic Mark Oakley. Mark is Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral, a trustee of the Civil Liberties Trust, an Ambassador for Stop Hate UK, and the author of several books, including The Splash of Words and The Collage of God.